Building a bright future for Conway.

Supporting innovation, education, and a bright future for all.

Thanks for dropping by the site to learn a bit more about my campaign and why I’m running for City Council - Ward 2, position 1.

I’m a long-time Conway resident, graduate of Conway High School, and two-time graduate from UCA (Go Bears!). I’ve also built and sold multiple businesses in Conway. This community is home to me, and my life is better because it’s been lived in Conway. I’m excited to help shape the future of our community.

Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat about our shared future - I’m always open.

Next Generation Vision & Leadership

I’ve been the beneficiary of visionary leadership in Conway. The town we live in today looks little like the one I moved to, largely because of great leadership from our city government. It’s time for my generation to catch the baton and keep running the race!

If elected, I’ll learn from the seasoned leadership on our council, while bringing fresh vision & energy for our future.

Focus on Economic Development

What causes growth in our city? A focus on intentional economic development. Part of what makes Conway special is the collaboration between the public and private sector, working to attract new business and talent to Conway. This helps make it a place where people want to live, work, and play. We’ve got to keep working to attract new business and talent, while supporting our vibrant existing business community.

I’ve built 4 businesses and sold two in this community - so I understand how important it is for Conway to be a welcoming, easy place to do business.

Committed to Public Service

I understand the best way we can shape change we want to see in our community is by getting involved. Throughout my career, I’ve served on many non-profit boards in our city. This has helped me learn so much about how the city runs, and how we can work together to get things done. I’ll use that knowledge and network to help move our city forward.

“An established business owner, with knowledge of the structure of our community, including his experience of service on the Planning Commission, Drew will be an asset to our city council. His vision for sustainable growth for Conway is needed as we continue to grow. Vote for Drew Spurgers.”

-Velda Lueders

“Not only do I consider Drew Spurgers my friend, I think of him as a progressive, young businessman with his eye on the pulse of what is happening locally and globally. I also know him to be honest, kind, and to be extremely talented in whatever he chooses to do. Great choice for Conway City Council.”

-Lori Case Melton

“As a small businesses advocate, skilled mediator, and a dedicated public servant, Drew would be an excellent fit for our City Council. He's dedicated to making Conway a better place for everyone, and I know he'll continue to be a unifying force on the City Council.”

-Jessica Crum

Wondering if you can vote for me on November 5, 2024?

  1. Click the button below to visit Arkansas Secretary of State Voter View.

  2. Enter your information under “registration information” at the top of the page.

  3. Scroll down to “Districts” at the bottom of the page.

  4. At the very bottom, look for “Wards”. If you are in Conway Ward 2, you are able to vote for me!


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


Phone (call or text!)
(501) 499-0170